Sludge is treated downstream of the thickening section before entering the dehydration section, regardless of the percentage of TSS (total suspended solids). Where the plant includes a digester, however, the process is applied before the anaerobic digestion phase.
State-of-the-art telemetry systems ensure remote monitoring of all essential parameters.
NEWLISI’s advanced R&D ensures that the process is optimised in accordance with the characteristics of the sludge to be treated, and its engineering experience ensures that plant solutions are adapted to the parameters of the treatment plant and the customer’s needs.
The Newlisi plant is simple, modular, does not require special permits and can be easily implemented for both new and existing treatment plants.
Compact dimensions
The Newlisi system complies with the regulatory requirements for classification as an “Industry 4.0 capital asset.”
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P. IVA 06943170966 — REA MI–1924478
Capitale Sociale €96.500,00 i.v.