An innovative technology
for sewage sludge reduction
with energy recovery.
For a circular economy

Treatment of all sewage sludge with more than 60% organic matter even without anaerobic digestion

Immediate results
Reduced installation time and quick plant set-up

Simple and safe operation
A plant that is easy to operate and maintain and that can be integrated into existing treatment plants on a “Plug&Play” basis. The process operates at low temperatures (<85°C) and at atmospheric pressure: no special permits are required

An "Industry 4.0 ready" plant: fully automated and equipped with remote control systems

Waste recovery
Significant reduction of sludge for disposal with renewable energy recovery

Reduced environmental impact
Reduction in the transit of vehicles conveying sludge to its final destination

Elimination of viruses and bacteria
The residual sludge is stabilised and sanitised

Rapid return on investment
Quick payback given the reduction in sludge disposal costs and the sale of the biogas produced

Reduction of risks
Low dependence on the regulatory environment and the market dynamics of sludge disposal

Reputation and access to capital
Improved sustainability rating (ESG) delivers reputational benefits and better access to finance